March News
Hi Folks, This is the March newsletter from Michael A. Schwarz Photography. Happy spring! I hope you guys have lots of great shooting plans for the spring and summer. Some interesting tidbits from the web last month. The New York Times had a fascinating story about the search for the truth about a photo. Sometimes […]
In Case You Missed It V1.0
Compelling Links from the Photo Community: July 28, 2011 Very cool 360VR from the Discovery Flight Deck. Fantastic Presentation from Tim Mantoani at the Sports Shooter Academy Lighting Luau. Petapixel reports on Google adding EXIF search. Microsoft has released their RAW file viewing Codec for Windows 7. Thinking about downloading the new Mac operating System […]
Sending Photos When Email Won’t Do
Moving digital photos between people can be challenging. One or two photos can be sent simply via email, but email services have file size limitations and email is not practical when you need to send hundreds of megabytes of images. In the last year I’ve started to streamline things by taking advantage of two really […]

Happy New Year! Now backup your files.
Every photographer needs to have a good strategy for storing and backing up their images. I’ve discussed this in an earlier post called Image Archiving Workflow. If you haven’t developed your own strategy, remember that the longer you wait, the more risk you create and the more difficult your task will be. I thought I […]
Image Archiving Workflow
As photographers accumulate huge collections of digital images, the importance of creating functional archives of the images becomes even more critical. A good image archive combines a secure and dependable method of storage along with a logical strategy of embedding metadata into the images so that the archives can be searched to allow quick location […]
Digital Happiness
I wrote this way back in 2003 in the early days of digital photography. In digital-years that’s like 70 years ago, which would be like writing it before I was born. Amazing! And it is still valid to this day. -m
Following these basic concepts will help make your digital experience much easier.